
135 lines
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#include <godot_cpp/classes/node3d.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/global_constants.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/viewport.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/vector3.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/quaternion.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/string.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/core/binder_common.hpp>
#include <LeapC.h>
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
#include "types.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "device_list.h"
using namespace godot;
class UltraleapHandTracking : public Node3D {
GDCLASS(UltraleapHandTracking, Node3D);
void start();
void stop();
UltraleapTypes::TrackingMode default_tracking_mode = UltraleapTypes::TrackingMode::Desktop;
Ref<UltraleapDeviceList> devices;
String service_ip = String("");
uint16_t service_port = 12345;
bool autostart = true;
bool enable_images = true;
UltraleapTypes::TrackingMode get_tracking_mode() const;
void set_tracking_mode(UltraleapTypes::TrackingMode value);
Ref<UltraleapFrame> get_last_frame() const;
Ref<UltraleapImage> get_left_image() const;
Ref<UltraleapImage> get_right_image() const;
Array get_devices() const { return devices->devices; }
void set_devices(Array value) { devices->devices = value; }
String get_service_ip() const { return service_ip; }
void set_service_ip(String value) { service_ip = value; }
int get_service_port() const { return service_port; }
void set_service_port(int value) { service_port = value; }
bool get_autostart() const { return autostart; }
void set_autostart(bool value) { autostart = value; }
bool get_enable_images() const { return enable_images; }
void set_enable_images(bool value) { enable_images = value; }
bool is_connected() const { return connected; }
bool is_started() const { return started; }
// Policy setters
void set_images_policy(bool value);
void set_background_frames_policy(bool value);
void set_map_points_policy(bool value);
void set_allow_pause_resume_policy(bool value);
// Policy getters
// Only reimplementing the things we know do something
bool get_images_policy() const;
// Set and get primary device
void set_primary_device(Ref<UltraleapDevice> device);
Ref<UltraleapDevice> get_primary_device() const;
void set_pause(bool value);
void _notification(int p_what);
static void _bind_methods();
std::atomic_bool is_running = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false);
std::atomic_bool keep_running = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(true);
LEAP_CONNECTION connectionHandle = NULL;
std::thread messageLoop;
bool started = false; /* The whole thing is started */
bool opened = false; /* Indicate an opened connection */
bool connected = false; /* We have confirmed connection */
Ref<UltraleapDevice> primary_device;
void serviceMessageLoop();
void dispose_ultraleap();
void handle_tracking_event(const LEAP_TRACKING_EVENT* event, uint32_t device_id);
void handle_image_event(const LEAP_IMAGE_EVENT* event, uint32_t device_id);
void handle_connection_event(const LEAP_CONNECTION_EVENT *evt);
void handle_connection_lost_event(const LEAP_CONNECTION_LOST_EVENT* event);
void handle_device_event(const LEAP_DEVICE_EVENT* event);
void handle_device_lost_event(const LEAP_DEVICE_EVENT* event);
void handle_tracking_mode_event(const LEAP_TRACKING_MODE_EVENT* event, uint32_t device_id);
void handle_policy_change_event(const LEAP_POLICY_EVENT* event);
void handle_device_status_change_event(const LEAP_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE_EVENT* event, uint32_t device_id);
void set_policy(UltraleapTypes::PolicyFlag flag, bool value);
bool get_policy(UltraleapTypes::PolicyFlag flag) const;
String generate_connection_payload();
void refresh_device_list();
Ref<UltraleapDevice> create_device(LEAP_DEVICE_REF ref);
uint32_t policy_flags = UINT32_MAX;
Object *binder = NULL;